Accelerate your leaders and company performance with expert leadership development Accelerate Expert Leadership Coaching
Milo Sindell, MS

President, Coaching Scaled Division

Milo Sindell has over fifteen years as a business and human capital expert. He worked as a senior consultant for Intel and later at Sun Microsystems in areas including strategy development and implementation, change management, knowledge management, and leadership and employee development. At Skyline he is focused on market positioning and product development for Skyline's coaching technology solutions.

Milo has developed and launched a number of innovative productivity solutions Including cofounding Hit the Ground Running a pioneering employee performance software company in 2006. In 2010, Hit the Ground Running was acquired by Kenexa (now IBM).

He is the author of numerous articles on leadership and employee performance and four books in the area of employee performance: Sink or Swim (employee integration), Job Spa (employee engagement), and The End of Work as You Know It (employee engagement), Hidden Strengths. In addition, he has written and contributed to numerous articles in the field of employee performance and talent management. He has an MS in Organization Development from Pepperdine University. His dissertation research focused on the motivational aspects of professional legacy.

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